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Rat Like Animal Found in Costa Rica

Rat Like Animal Found in Costa Rica

The Animals of Republic of costa rica

The Mammals of Costa rica

Mammals developed from reptiles in the late Triassic Period, some 240 million years ago. Here are some important features that distinguish them: Mammals have advanced brains that benefit them in many ways. Hair on their bodies insulates from the cold. Finally, they exercise not lay eggs, but bear live immature (this mode, they can stay mobile during pregnancy instead of having to guard eggs). And the production of milk provides an ever available source of food for the offspring.

Of effectually 4800 mammal species worldwide, 200 can be found in Costa Rica.

Spotting mammals requires similar attention equally spotting birds. Early in the morning is a adept time (equally nocturnal animals make their way to sleep) and zones around water bear a improve chance of being frequented by mammals. As with most animals, try to remain placidity equally you walk along: if they won't hear y'all, you might hear them!

Sloth (esp: perezoso)

Of the five sloth species occurring in Costa rica, there are two main families of sloths: ii-toed and three-toed sloths. As is well-known of them, they are very slow movers, that spend most of their lives on trees, where they feed on leaves. Because their nutrition consists of this poor nutrition, their metabolism is and then low that it calls for their laziness and depression torso temperature.

The best call to find sloths is to expect out for the distinctive Cecropias (chosen "guarumo" in Republic of costa rica) or other large-leaved trees: this is where they usually "hang out" (upside down). Sloths switch trees every 2-iii days.

Interesting Facts:

For reasons that no one actually understands sloths have the risk to climb down their tree in club to defecate and urinate every once a calendar week. This behaviour is hard to understand, as in that location is no obvious need to practise so. Every time sloths spend this half hr to go about their "business" they are defenceless and in extreme danger of predators.

Monkeys (esp: mono)

No Costa Rican holiday would be complete without encountering these shut man relatives. Even hundred years earlier Darwin's theory, Carl Linnaeus of Sweden classed people in the aforementioned category as monkeys. What you lot volition observe in Costa Rica belong to the class of "Cebidae", i.e. New Earth Monkeys. Typical for this order are unfurred faces with flat noses and long limbs and (prehensile) tails to climb in trees.

There are 4 monkey species in Republic of costa rica: Howler Monkeys, Spider Monkeys, Squirrel (Titi) Monkeys and White-Faced (Capuchin) Monkeys. They are of import seed dispersers as they feed on a diversity of fruit. Note that all monkey species are considered endangered – the squirrel monkey even highly so.

Howler Monkey

Howler Monkeys are the largest monkey species, growing up to 1m and weighing around 5 kilograms. Their habitats are lowland wet evergreen forests. Howler monkeys got their names due to the deep rumbling growls they make in the early mornings to marker their presence and thereby, their territory. In some places (Tortuguero, Corcovado) this will exist your wake-up call.

Their racket carries for upward to five kilometres and makes the loudest sound in the jungle. Despite of these sounds, howlers can move extremely quietly and irksome: they rest 80% of the mean solar day. Often they might pass the awning correct over you lot without being noticed!

Spider Monkey

Spider Monkeys can use their tails similar a fifth hand with which they tin support their unabridged body weight. Spider monkeys rarely leave their tree habitats, where they feed on leaves, nuts and fruit. They are known to communicate past gestures: by approach of a human they might climb to the end of a branch and shake it heartily to scare the intruder away. If this does non work, they can throw heavy branches at the unwanted guest.

Squirrel Monkey

Squirrel Monkey (esp: titi) is a tiny monkey (ca. 0.6 kg), best establish in and around Manuel Antonio National Park. Their habitat are Pacific wet forests, where they feed on insects and small plants. Due to the reduction of lowland forest on the Pacific side "titi" monkeys are endangered. Squirrel monkeys primarily swallow fruit and the occasional insect. Interestingly these fast moving monkeys do non use their tails for climbing, but equally a balancing pole (similar to cats).

White-Faced (Capuchin) Monkey

White-Faced (Capuchin) Monkey is the species you are most likely to run into closely in Costa rica. They occur on the Caribbean slope's wet forests every bit well every bit the Pacific side'southward drier forest habitats. Capuchins are approx. 50 cm loftier and consume everything from flowers, fruit, bird-eggs, insects to the sandwich you brought to the beach. Their troop size is betwixt 2 to 20, normally grouped around a single adult.

Capuchin monkeys are most common at the National Parks of Manuel Antonio, Corcovado and Santa Rosa. Watch out when meeting these overactive primates: they are known to snatch anything edible or shining and are sometimes in an aggressive mood to defend their territory.

Sadly, Capuchin monkeys seem to accept undergone a recent rise in pet trade. We condemn this kind trade. Exercise not forcefulness any tropical pet to an imprisoned life!


These felines are clearly the kings of the local jungle. Merely they are very shy and avoid humans, and then that your hazard of actually spotting 1 is very slim. The highest concentration of jaguars is in Corcovado and La Amistad National Parks, where they have enough territory to hunt. Jaguars – known in Costa Rica as El Tigre – are more common, although information technology is unlikely to exist spotted.

Jaguars are the largest cats in the new world and tin attain lengths of ii metres with a body height of ane metre and a weight of over 100 kg. They hunt mostly at nighttime, as they have excellent vision due to their large optics. Their casualty consists of 87 species, including birds, minor peccaries and iguanas up to sloths, monkeys and caimans! They are solitary stalk-and-ambush predators that hunt in territories betwixt 30-40 foursquare kilometres.

Jaguars are endangered and have been eliminated from almost all areas of Costa rica – mostly because of deforestation. Because jaguars need huge hunting grounds, the installation of biological corridors is paramount. Jaguars are known to live in the protected areas of Corcovado, Santa Rosa and Tortuguero.

Interesting Facts:

The jaguar is defined as a so-chosen "umbrella species": they crave such a broad territory that whenever they are protected, a number of other species will be straight protected also. For this reason they are frequently the focus of preservation efforts; not considering they are the kings of the jungle, only because the large area needed for their protection will automatically provide the possibility of a salubrious ecosystem.

Ocelot (esp: ocelote)

Ocelots are mid-sized felines, roughly the size of dogs (1 metre length and 10-15 kg weight). Belonging to the Leopardus factor, they can be found all over S and Central America. Ocelots are dark-active and hunt on large territories of 18 square kilometres. Their prey consists of reptiles and amphibians and small mammals. In Costa rica they can be establish in the rainforests of Corcovado, Santa Rosa, Monteverde and in the Los Santos Area – though they are rare to spot.

Coati (esp: pizote)

Coatis are tropical racoons of a reddish brown with night faces and long tails. These social animals are mean solar day-active and not mostly known to be shy. Their chief diet consists of pocket-size vertebrates such as mice and lizards, as well every bit fruit and insects. If fed by humans they tin become quite tame. You might actually spot bands of a dozen animals in the Area of Arenal, where they often appear at roadsides. Y'all will recognise them by their long muzzles and their bushy tails (of a brownish fur).

Racoon (esp: mapache)

Racoons (average size of 40 cm) can easily exist recognised past their distinctive "bandit mask" – the blackness fur around their eyes. The most mutual racoon is the Northern Racoon, an brute which is agile generally at nighttime. Racoons are omnivorous and feed on fruit and all sorts of animals they can put into their mouth. Despite of their agility in using their easily, the fable that they wash their food before eating is not true (the human action of dipping scraps in h2o is rather for wetting the nutrient).


Tapirs vest to the order of Perissodactyla: hoofed animals with an odd number of toes on each foot (like rhinos and horses). Ane recognises their kinship with horses past their snouts. Baird'due south Tapirs are ca. two metres long and can weigh upwardly to 300 kg. Such, they have the honor of beingness Cardinal America'south largest native mammal. They are herbivores who feed on fruit, grass, leaves and twigs. Tapirs accomplish an age of 25-30 years and are solitary animals.

As tapirs similar to be close to h2o and are good swimmers, they are often spotted close to a creek or wallow. They can actually sink to the lesser of a riverbed and walk along it to feed!

Interesting Facts:

While the tapir used to exist native to many places in Costa Rica, it one time was very close to extinction. Many grass swamps, forested hillsides and rainforests take disappeared, thereby dangerously reducing their habitat. Today, tapirs are recovering in the National Parks of Corcovado and Tenorio. Only the establishment of Biological Corridors is paramount to let this specie (listed as endangered/vulnerable) recover further. In Republic of costa rica, a biological corridor is being established betwixt Corcovado National Park and the Los Santos Reserve to extend its habitat range. This is an important and visionary contribution to wildlife protection in the American tropics. (The Baird's tapir project, starting in 1994, was actually the beginning protection program for this mammal in the earth).

Tapirs take become an important symbol of preservation because they thrive in principal forests. A tapir mother is actually known to feel at home around the Sirena Ranger Station in Corcovado; hither she is often spotted, taking a nap in the shadow of a tree during daytime.

Peccary (esp: pecari)

Peccaries – every bit pigs, giraffes, bison and cattle - vest to the order of Artiodactyla, that is hoofed animals with an fifty-fifty number of toes on their feet. In fact, they do await similar to pigs, having coarse hair, small ears and tails and tusk-like teeth. With their long snouts, they dig the earth, feeding on fallen fruit, leaves and grass. There are two peccary species in Costa rica, which live generally in groups (the White-Lipped Peccaries existence more sociable than the Collared Peccaries).

Despite their reputation of beingness dangerously ambitious, peccaries are rarely a threat. Although they are of large size and could do astringent harm with their tusks they rarely attack. If yous come across them, try to stay quiet and go out them alone (their vision is not skillful).


Armadillos can hands be recognised by the armour plating on their backs. The armour consists of plates of dermal basic that are covered with pocket-size epidermal scales with a horn covering. These solitary animals are around 50 cm in length and not spotted very often considering they are agile mainly at night. Their master nutrition are ants, termites and other insects, which they admission by digging into the ground with their abrupt claws.

Bat (esp: murciélago)

Famous for their night action and sonar system, bats have a potent fascination on humans. Bats come in various sizes betwixt 5-eighty cm and weigh from 5g to 200g. During daytime bats can be constitute in their roosts (generally caves, tree cavities of just a shady part of a tree).

At night bats are out to eat: mostly they feed on insects which they catch directly with their mouths or utilize their wings every bit spoons. Some species are frugivorous and the "Mutual Vampire Bat" actually does feed on: blood! They push their precipitous teeth into the necks of sleeping animals, remove a tiny piece of skin and lap the dripping blood. Considering this makes very nutritive food they simply need about half an ounce per day.

The bats that feed on nectar are important pollinators (similar bees and birds). Flowers that depend on bats for pollination are mostly white and open at night to exist recognised more easily.

At night bats navigate with a sonar arrangement of echolocation: they broadcast ultrasonic sounds and scan the surroundings by the returning echo within split seconds.

Interesting Facts:

Bats are some of the almost varied mammals in the world. There are over 950 worldwide. They are clearly leading in Costa rica: there are 200 odd mammals here, and 105 of them are bats!

Opossum (esp: zarigüeya)

Opossums, with their pointed noses and hairless tails remind of rats, only are not of the same family. They are best seen at dark, when they are out to feed. Known as omnivorous animals, opossums will eat nigh anything that crosses their fashion. Considering carrion is amid their preferred meals, they often stop upwardly as roadkill themselves, while feeding on such.

Interesting Facts:

Opossums are so-chosen "marsupial breeders": they give nascency well-nigh xv days subsequently mating. The children are almost still embryos when they climb out only remain in the female parent'due south pouch, where they feed for another ii months. This is the same breeding system nosotros know from kangaroos.

Opossums take particular immune systems that renders them invulnerable to a variety of snakebites, such as rattlesnakes and the vicious pit vipers.

Paca / Agouti

Paca and Agouti are rodents and hence marked past their efficient large incisor teeth, with which they are able to cut and slice an affluence of materials. They are vegetarians that feed on fruit, seeds and nuts and the occasional insect to boost their protein level. Ecologically they seem to be relevant for the survival of jaguars, as they brand an important part of their prey.

Deer (esp: venado)

Deer are large mammals, found in many regions of the planet. They are grazers and cud-chewers who regurgitate their meals and chew it again to digest it. Although it surprises many travelers, deer are quite common in Costa Rica and are not seldomly spotted on the edge of a woods.

Rat Like Animal Found in Costa Rica




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